World Music

Deben Bhattacharya - Music On The Desert Road, A Travelogue 1956

거지 2011. 7. 9. 09:49


Side A

01 Turkey - Automobile on mountain Road - Central Anatolian Dance
02 Turkey - Mevludin Nebevi (Religious chant)
03 Syria - Rasd (Dervish song)
04 Syria - Bedouin Song and Dance
05 Jordan - Bedouin Coffee Grinding
06 Iraq - Kesame-Meru (Kurdish ballad)
07 Iran - Baba Karam (Love song)

Side B

01 Iran - Rhythm of a Train (Drums)
02 Iran - Humayun (Traditional melody)
03 Afghanistan - Atan Dance Music
04 Pakistan - Neemakai (Wedding folk song)
05 India - Zila from Varanasi (Benares)
06 India - Temple Bells and drums of a Bengali Kali Temple - Bhajan