Mecano - Subtiteld & Untiteld ( '80)
World Music 2007. 11. 21. 23:11Explication Side (SUBTITELD)
01 - Meccano
02 - Permanent Revolt
Conclusive Side
03 - A stroll In Spring
04 - In Still Life
05 - Links
Considerable Side (UNTITELD)
06 - Dissident Lament
07 - Untitled
Danceable Side
08 - Posterity Chant
09 - The Chassis Force
10 - Robespierre's Re-Marx
- Mecano - 01 - Meccano.mp3
- Mecano - 02 - Permanen Revolt.mp3
- Mecano - 03 - Note of a Stroll In Spring.mp3
- Mecano - 04 - In Still Life.mp3
- Mecano - 05 - Links.mp3
- Mecano - 06 - Dissident Lament.mp3
- Mecano - 07 - Untiteld.mp3
- Mecano - 08 - Posterity Chant.mp3
- Mecano - 09 - The Chassis Force.mp3
- Mecano - 10 - Robespierre's Re-Marx.mp3